Porcelain veneers are very popular. Patients ask questions about them.

What are porcelain veneers?
Dental veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain that are inticately "bonded" to teeth. This question is explained on many pages of this website, which will be linked to at the appropriate question.
How many veneers are commonly necessary?
Any number of porcelain veneers are possible and will look natural if the cosmetic dentist is well experienced with smile designs. The best cosmetic dentists are most likely the ones who are accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
How long does a cosmetic dentist need to complete a smile design with porcelain veneers?
Every smile makeover is different. Just like a fingerprint, no oral cavity is the same. A smile makeover analysis is necessary, including:
- A thorough oral examination
- Aesthetic conditions of existing teeth
- Dental misalignments
- Size of buccal corridors
- Relationship of dental incisal edges and curvature of lower lips
- Exposure of upper incisors in reposed lip position and relative to the lip line when smiling.
- Determination of functional masticatory patterns of any particular patient
- Determination of the condition of temporomandibular joints and their position against the temporal bone at the base of the skull
- Study models with the correct jaw position
- Determination of necessary supplementary dental treatments, such as orthodontics or alterations of the gum line
How long do veneers last?
Due to the popularity of porcelain veneers, many clinical studies have been performed to determine the safety and durability of this important treatment modality of cosmetic dentistry. Evidently, only the best cosmetic dentists attain the most durable and most natural smile designs.
Is there any particular advise to care for new veneers?
Avoid abrasive dentrifices. The porcelain surfaces were glazed at high temperatures at the dental laboratory and do not need to be polished. In fact, no polishing paste will obtain the luster that is achieved when glazing dental porcelain. The dental hygienist needs to know about this and avoid polishing pastes on porcelain veneers. Make sure to mention to the dental professional that you have porcelain veneers. If done by a cosmetic dentist accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, it often happens that veneers are so natural that they are overlooked and treated just like regular teeth. This is not desirable.
However, floss daily and prevent any plaque accumulation in your mouth. San Francisco cosmetic dentist, Dr. Jorg-Peter Rabanus personally uses a Sonicare tooth brush due to its gentle yet thorough tooth cleaning capacity. Vibration of the tufts instead of wide motions of a tooth brush have helped him to halt progression of dental sensitivity.
How can a laminate veneer fail?
It depends on the functional environment of the oral cavity. This is why a thorough evaluation of every aspect of the environment surrounding the teeth is necessary. Patients with severely worn teeth are a good example. There are several reasons why teeth are worn. This needs to be verified by applying an intricate process. A cosmetic dentist who is accredited by the AACD is commonly familiar with the possible causes of dental wear and knows how to carefully address it.
Porcelain veneers are prone to failure if masticatory function is not addressed. This is well described in the literature, heralded by the great Peter Dawson, who has worked for decades to help dentists to understand the sometimes complicated interactions of the oral cavity, the temporomandibular joints and the teeth.
How much do dental veneers cost?
There is a large variety of treatment fees. It is the prerogative of the individual cosmetic dentist to gauge his level of expertise with its monetary exchange value. While many dentists feel that a fee below $2,000 is a fair exchange for their level of expertise in smile design, some dentists work with highly experienced dental labs who know how to create particularly natural looking porcelain restorations. Their fees are significant higher that those of dental labs that deliver an acceptable level of aesthetics.
Are veneers covered by dental insurance companies?
The outcome of the comprehensive evaluation of the condition of temporomandibular joints, oral function, and the teeth will determine, which part of the smile makeover also addressed pathological and dysfunctional aspects of the oral cavity. It is the prerogative of the insurance company to accept or disallow any particular dental procedure, which is commonly outlined in their insurance policies.
Are porcelain veneers worth the investment?
Cosmetic dentistry is elective. At times when smiles are so important for job seekers, eligible bachelors, and in social media, dental laminates have become a valuable option to enhance one's image. It is a choice. While some prefer to invest their resources into their lifestyle or commodities, others are more interested to look their best.
It is the responsibility of the cosmetic dentist to provide a durability that make the investment worth it.
How do lumineers in cosmetic dentistry compare to regular veneers?
The differences between these treatment modalities are throughly explained behind this link.
How much tooth structure needs to be removed for the placement of porcelain veneers?
Various aspects need to be considered, such as existing tooth color, space issues, and tooth positions as well as size.
How do I know that I have the best cosmetic dentist for my needs?
The most important aspect of any human relationship is communication. Even the best cosmetic dentist needs to be willing to give enough time to any dialogue that you wish to have regarding your treatment goals. This will also allow you to understand why certain treatments need to be included to match your expectations with the reality of your individual oral function and aesthetics.
I have a gummy smile. Can my smile design be combined with the contouring of my gums?
A smile makeover without addressing any shortcomings of the gum line would be incomplete.
How does dental bonding compare to porcelain veneers?
Dental bonding is the incremental placement and polymerization of acrylic compsite material on top of tooth structure. Dental bonding composite materials are not as durable and not as strong as dental porcelain. They progressively lose their luster and might change the value their original color.